Sunday 15 April 2012

Go Red for Women !

Heart disease and stroke is the leading cause of death for women in Ireland.

Take action now for your heart health and Go Red for Women:

• Be active for at least 30 minutes five days a week
• Eat a healthy diet
• Manage your weight
• Stop smoking
• Drink less alcohol
• Know your family history
• Have regular blood pressure and cholesterol checks with your family doctor

Know the warning signs of a heart attack
  • Chest discomfort. Squeexing, uncomfortable pressure or pain in the centre of the chest, that last more than a few minutes
  • Discomfort and/or pain spreading to other areas of the upper body such as the shoulders, neck or upper arms and jaw
  • Shortness of breath, unexplained weakness or fatigue, anxiety, or unusual nervousness, indigestion or gas-like pain, breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea, vomiting, light-headedness and collapse
  • Dizziness and/or fainting

Know the warning signs of a stroke

The following can help you recognise if someone is having a stroke.
Act FAST if you see any of them:

FACE: Ask the person to smile - does one side droop?
ARMS: Ask the person to raise both arms and keep them there
SPEECH: Can the person repeat a sentence? Is their speech slurred?
TIME: If you see any of the above signs - even just one - call 999 for an ambulance
Not all of the above symptoms are always present with heart attack or stroke. If only some are present don't wait. Get help fast and dial 999. Meanwhile sit or lie down.

Questions to ask you health professional

• What is my blood pressure level and is it a healthy level for me?
• What is my cholesterol reading, what is the breakdown, and what do the numbers mean?
• What is my blood glucose reading? Am I at risk of diabetes? If so, why?
• Am I at increased risk of heart disease and stroke? If so, why?
• What kind of food should I eat?
• What kind of physical activity is right for me?
For smokers
• How does smoking affect my heart?
• What can you recommend to help me stop smoking?
Go Red for Women
This is an international awareness campaign dedicated to the prevention, diagnosis and control of heart disease and stroke in women led by the Irish Heart Foundation. The campaign is aimed at encouraging women to reduce their risk of this disease and gives tips and information on healthy eating, physial activity, menopause and diabetes.

Irish Heart Foundation
4 Clyde Road,
Dublin 4.
Telephone: +353 1 668 5001
Heart & Stroke Helpline: Locall 1890 432 787


Irish Heart Foundation. 2010. It's a Red Alert. Dublin: Irish Heart Foundation.

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