Sunday 1 April 2012

April Fool ! the face paint that doesn't work and Beautiful Clown make-up~

Did you know how April Fools' Day actually originated from ?

I didn't until yesterday evening whilst half-heartedly browsing Google. Thank puff for Wiki...'_Day

A bit ambiguous, but still pretty interesting. In a nutshell, April Fools' Day, celebrated on April 1st, is a widely recognised occasion. It is a day where people crack funny jokes and play pranks on other unsuspecting, friends, colleagues, teachers, neighbours, whatever floats your boat.

The earliest recorded association between April 1 and foolishness can be found in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales (1392), according to Wiki. And now this gets a bit confusing -.-

In that book of tales, there is this one tale: "Nun's Priest's Tale". It is set Syn March bigan thritty dayes and two. Modern scholars believe that there is a copying error in the manuscripts, and that Chaucer actually wrote, Syn March was gon. The passage originally meant 32 days after April, i.e. May 2, the anniversary of the engagement of King Richard II of England to Anne of Bohemia, which took place in 1381. Readers apparently misunderstood this line to mean "March 32", i.e. April 1. In Chaucer's tale, the vain cock Chauntecleer is tricked by a fox.

I also feel tricked ¬__¬ I have recently bought a box of facepaint from a €2 shop and decided to test it out last night after the inspiration struck to compose a "Beautiful Clown" look. And....I discovered <<drum roll>> the paint doesn't work -.- I've tried it with water, without water, with brushes, sponges, fingers, even nails, and yep, I just cannot take the colour and apply to my face. Which is what one does with face paint...they paint faces ._.

I'm going to bring it back tomorrow, and yes, it's only €2 and nope, I don't have the receipt cuz the girl at the counter didn't give me one. But I feel sooooo ripped off that I just don't care. I mean, come on. How the flying flip can you expect me to doubt that paint will ?? Imagine if I was gonna do face painting for a cousin's birthday party or something. How can one compensate for their little disappointed hearts ? Have you no shame, manufacturer, have you no shame -.-

Anyway, I didn't let that flatten my upbeat spirits like that cola can I stepped on just now, and used my own make up instead. I camwhored, and showed Mum the pictures this morning....I think I frightened her (': That's pretty awesome, I never frightened anyone before, especially not so smoothly on April Fools' Day. So thats something to mark down in my diary.

The look was inspired by this picture:

"Beautiful Clown" (camwhoring in her bathroom @3am ¬__¬)....Brace yourself:

Dunno which is the bigger fool.... Getting ripped off on face paint or breaking up on April Fools' Day ?

Have a good one folks.

Laters & godspeed.


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