Saturday 31 March 2012

Music ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♪♫ a bit about K-pop...and why you should be proud of your eardrums !

When it comes to music, I'm not a fan of anyone.

Any band.
Any genre.
Any individual's face, dress code, background, or watever.

A band who looks pretty and sings awful does not climb up my leadership scores very well. Music is music. If you think you can't change the way your vocal chords are designed, so you flip your wardrobe in hopes to compensate for that, you will be in for a liiiiittle shock. Cookie won't likey. End of story.

What defines a fan ? In my personal dictionary, a fan of some artist's music, is a person who listens and loves pretty much every single music track that was composed by such artist, and thus, has become to like that artist. Solely for music. Music only. You may, of course, like a particular artist or group of artists because of their general public behaviour, stuff that you see first hand while queuing up for a concert ticket, or in the comfort of your sitting room, watching the telly. That's ok too, but it won't make you a music fan. I bear in mind that what I see, is usually what is displayed to me, or what the media decides to show me. In my opinion, unless you personally know the artist, or even shared a dorm room with them, it's really quite hard to say you like their personality, because what you see may only be a segment of what they want you to see, and isn't potentially accurate.

For me so far, I have not yet been a fan of any artist. There is not yet one band or artist who I aspire to be fan of. If I liked their first few songs...fantastic. But I dislike the ones after. I do not like their music unconditionally, and therefore I am not a fan. If I like a song, I like the song, and that is all.

Like other human beings, my mood changes, and so does my ear for music. I would dislike every single love song on the planet if I were out to party like a boss in Dandelion, because I would be in the "party-animal" mood, and sorry, Dido, I like you, but not all the time. Generally speaking, I enjoy all types of music. That said, I'm not a huuuge fan of opera music, or rap. But there are random songs I would like from both genres.

I'm also not "fan" enough to catch up on an artist(s)' background or preferences, although being an ex-muggler wouldn't exactly encourage me to like them. However, I wouldn't dislike their music solely because they mugged someone in the past. I mean, since when had they become that important to me ? Since when has their personal life got anything to do with the music I pop into iPod ? If I had friends who liked to gossip about celebs, I'd gossip a little, just to keep up to what they are into and what's not so hot, but other than that ? I couldn't care less, really.

Another topic I would like to discuss is K-pop (Korean pop). I like some K-pop music. I find some K-pop music very easy going, has a good flow, has a good tune, singers have fairly good vocals, very catchy. A bit cheesey sometimes, especially when I come to understand what they are singing, but that cheesiness is tolerable on my cheesy tolerance scale of 0-10.

The K-pop industry is very successful, in my opinion. Correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as memory stretches, K-pop is the only genre of music in asia that has stretched it's popularity so significantly well into other countries. Now it didn't stretch out so well here where I live because I live in a little shell under a rock beneath a pile of pinecones in an island surrounded by trecherous sharks, but anyway I learned about K-pop from my less secluded friends a few years ago, and I still like some of it's music now.

And teamed with a unique style of drama (doesn't matter if you don't like that style, you gotta say it IS pretty unique), with gorgeous looking people (doesn't matter if it's not 100% natural, nobody gives a flying flip), and fantastic new ideas for fashion (I'm sick of brackets now. You get the drift ¬__¬) K-media is indeed soaring above that very air you breathe right now. And I gotta admit, I like some of it.

"Like" and "some". Very important.

I was inspired to write this blog by a video I've seen on YouTube.

I only watched the first half of the video, and totally blank-facedly ignored the second half regarding the magazine that he had ._. I felt that he made some very valid points and spoke my heart's mauscript in the bottom drawer.

  • Some - now read this carefully, how some people failed to hear him say some is beyond my ability to defuzzlise, so I have underlined, highlighted and made this bold (: - some k-pop fans are a bit of a haemorrhoid in the asshole ._.
  • They can be rude to non-k-pop fans, bashing them for disliking k-pop. Ok, well I bash you in the armpit with some club device in Flintstones for disliking Nirvana. How's that for a bruise or two ?
  • Never mind not being a k-pop fan, screw your testicals if you dislike the k-pop band they like. Or nail your nails to the wall if you think your band is better. In fact, flush your human rights down the toilet the next time you go for a number, and commence your pilgrimmage to the temple of the non-spoken K-pop gods and goddesses. Talk about being obsessed with obsession.
  • To the malicious K-pop fans, I understand if you disagree with what I had said about that k-pop band. But a response regarding you following me to some dark and dangerous places, my severed body parts, and deceased family members reallllllly had not quite been what was crossing my befuddled mind when I posted that comment. Care to clarify, sir/madam ?
  • And then there is this point he made in the video that I find is becoming very true. Very sad and very true...If you say a name of the K-pop member wrong, or you get some really random fact wrong about the person, they say you are not "fan" enough, and these so-called fans become very grrr about it.
Well I be damned, because apart from the odd few I recognise from a band, I find it very difficult to tell the Korean celebs apart. True story, I mean, sometimes I will watch their music videos on YouTube, and I really cannot tell the difference. It's not a case of racism, because I'm oriental myself, and I have some Korean friends. It's not usually due to the high numbers in the groups, although that is of zero assistance to me -.- But I find myself trying to tell the difference by their hairstyle or hair colour....and when I succeed ? Voila, different music video, different hairstyle altogether. Time to give up, Cookie ._.

But that is all besides the point. How has that so-called K-pop fan have the power to deem you a fan or not ? Yes, let's say you're applying to do a degree in Music in college. You will have to meet some requirements, and that's fair enough. But to be a fan ? You don't need a cert, or do an exam or flippin' tattoo your arm to dedicate yourself to being a fan. Music was made for your enjoyment. Why should you slave for it ?

If I were ever to get these accusations, I would've taken them all with a dab of sugar because they are just too pathetically lame to waste my breath, braincells and salivary molecules to explain the facts of life to these wierd ass phD K-pop fans. But then I noticed some kids, or people younger than me, feeling guilty and apologising, simply because they're not matching up to the accuser's criteria of being a fan, watever stone that definition was engraved on.

And that made me flip my flowery teacup *__* !

Lads and Ladies, You make your own definition. You like what you wanna like. You call yourself a fan - how could anyone else dare to say no ? If they don't like you because you're not a clone of them, well then they should start stepping under a multiplying machine before they start running out of people to like. You should be proud of your can't force them to like what they don't like. You could pretend, not a bother, but yep, it'll be universal when they start to bleed o.O And if you think you could hide your liking for a piece of uber cheesy music ? We can tell by the way you're gyrating your hips to it :ppp

Your eardrums are special and unique. That's what makes them so awesome.

I need more tea ._.

Laters & godspeed.


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