Monday 26 March 2012

I hate being sick. A hate so strong that it can turn trees into purple goats o.O"

By threads of sheer luck, Himself and I are unfortunately magical enough to get the exact same ailments at the exact same time right across the bulumnious continents and seas.

==" bollocks.

He buys chinese medicine for a price of next to nothing and gets better within 24 hours, whereas I am stuck with sucking on flippin herbal sweets and sips of water and rolling around in bed, in a pathetic attempt to "drive the sickness out of my system"...and three days later...surprise surprise ! I'm still the same messy sniffly phlegmy sicky jazz that I was three days earlier...and by now, I'm sick of concealing it .

So i went to the GP and found myself queuing behind her extensively long list of coughing spluttering infants (daww ._.) and pissed off mammies (aiiiya ._."). After getting checked and confirming that i do not have TB or any other contagious life-threatening diseases of some sort, I happily crawled my sloppy way home to bed like a slug with insomnia, only to realise before I toss myself upon my bed that I have been wearing two completely different runners in the presence of other befuddled folk.

How i failed to realise is beyond my current ability to comprehend. How mother dear failed to cease laughing is beyond my ability to care. Flip that shiz.

Someone teleport me to mars please ¬__¬

Laters & godspeed.


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