Saturday 14 April 2012

How to Self Inject with Innohep (tinzaparin sodium)

You are prescribed Innohep (tinzaparin sodium) by your doctor, and need to take it at home. The following are some guidelines for how to self-administer / self-inject with Innohep.

These guidelines (Innohep Leaflet 2010) are divided under three main headings:
  • Preparation of the injection site
  • Administration of Innohep
  • Disposal of the syringe

Preparing the Injection Site

When giving yourself an injection, make sure you:

1. Thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water. Dry your hands well.

2. Sit or lie in a position so that you can see the skin where you are going to inject yourslf, usually the abdomen (stomach).

3. Decide where to inject yourself. This is usually on the right or left side of the abdomen.

You must not inject yourself within 5 cm (2 inches) of your belly button or midline.

Also, do not inject near any scars or bruises.

Each time you inject yourself, choose the opposite side from the site of your previous injection.

4. Clean the area. Apply a cold compress to the site if desired (see step 10). Allow to dry before you inject yourself.

Administration of Innohep

5. Carefully take the syringe out of its plastic container by bending the cap all the way back and sliding the syringe out.
Remove the needle guard covering the needle. To keep the needle clean, make sure it does not touch anything. The syringe is now ready for use.

IMPORTANT. If your dose is less than that in the syringe, hold the syringe vertically with the needle pointing upwards and gently remove the excess by pressing the plunger into the syringe. There is no need to remove the air bubble if you need the total quantity in the syringe for your dose.

6. Hold the syringe in your writing-hand like you would hold a pen. With your other hand, make a fold of your skin by gently pinching the area where you are going to inject yourself with your thumb and forefinger. Continue to hold the skin fold while you inject yourself.

7. With the syringe vertical so the needle points downwards, insert the needle fully into the skin fold.
8. Continue to hold the skin fold, press down on the plunger slowly over 10-15 seconds. This delivers the medication into the fatty tissue.

9. Pull the needle completely out of the skin and then let go of the skin fold. Do not rub or massage the place where you inject yourself - this can lead to buising.

10. There is evidence that applying a cold compress (ideally dry, e.g. a wrapped ice cube or cold can) to the injection site for 2-5 minutes before and after administration, can reduce the discomfort of the injection.

Disposal of syringe

11. After use, do not replace the needle guard. Put the used syringe (needle first) back into the plastic container and close thelid. This prevents accidental injury. Dispose of the syringe carefully as instructed by your healthcare professional. The syringe should be disposed of in a "sharps" container (i.e. a special bin for needles etc.).

Never put syringes or needles in the household rubbish.

To summarise...How to self inject with Innohep.
  1. Hand hygiene
  2. Position self
  3. Choose site (5cm away from midline on non-broken/bruised skin)
  4. Clean and dry are (cold compress if desired)
  5. Prepare syringe
  6. "Pinch" skin
  7. Needle pointing downwards in
  8. Press plunger over 10-15 secs
  9. Remove needle
  10. Cold compress
  11. Dispose of syringe


Innohep Leaflet. 2010. How to Self Inject with Innohep (tinzaparin sodium). Beaumont Hospital: Out-Patients Department.

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